Permanent Working Group on national/regional Self-Government
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Permanent Working Group on national/regional Self-Government

Permanent Working Group on national/regional Self-Government
Ekaina 17 | 2014 |

The ALDE Group reiterates its commitment to the founding values ​​of the European Union, democracy and the respect of the democratic will of the people.

The ALDE Group will establish a working Group on national/regional self-government. The mandate would include issues relating to the various models and potential institutional architectures that could ensure, on the basis of the dialogue and the political negotiation, the best possible expression of the democratic will of the people, as stated in the ALDE party manifesto and the democratic right to decide by the citizens on their (institutional) future as stated in the Liberal International Resolution of 27 April 2014[1] and in the EDP manifesto "the question of sovereignty is the ultimate political issue: it is the right of the people to be in charge of their own destiny, to improve their future through their own free choice, to change what appears to be a fatality of history to build a real common European sovereignty". It could also reflect on the best possible way autonomous legislative entities can establish their relations directly with the European Union and its institutions. It could also analyse the European Union's internal enlargement.


The Working Group would also provide the possibility for delegations from similar sub-state entities to coordinate the activities within the ALDE Group.


The Working Group would elect its own chair or co-chairs and would meet on a regular basis. The ALDE Group Secretariat would make available the staff, technical and financial resources necessary. The working group will be composed of members belonging to these national- regional parties and would be open to all members.


The chair or co-chair will be represented in the ALDE presidency.


[1] The world today, subparagraph Europe, on the political future of Cataluña and Scotland.